Complaints Officer
Investeringsforeningen Sydinvest
Peberlyk 4, DK-6200 Aabenraa, Denmark
Contact: +45 74373300,
Phone hours: weekdays 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Making a complaint
If you wish to file a complaint regarding the products from Sydinvest, please contact Sydinvest’s Investor Relations, Peberlyk 4, DK-6200 Aabenraa, tel +45 7437 3300, Investor Relations will review the events that have led to your dissatisfaction and give you an explanation.
Complaints officer
The Danish Complaints Board of Investment Funds
The Danish Complaints Board of Investment Funds, Amaliegade 8 B 2.sal, Postboks 9029, 1022 København K.
Corporate clients
If you are a corporate client your complaint will only be considered by the Danish Complaints Board of Investment Funds if your customer relationship does not differ significantly from a retail client relationship.